
The Synopsis
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield), two years after his confrontation with the giant Lizard in The Amazing Spider-Man (2012), finds himself confined by his vow to Stacy’s late father. Fighting crime and defending New York City is a risky full-time job. In the meantime, Harry Osborne, an old buddy of Peter’s, struggles to keep his pledge as his father leaves him Oscorp Industries and a deadly retrovirus, and a tragic accident creates Electro, the human power plant, a new super-villain. The Green Goblin’s appearance, however, has set the stage for the ultimate encounter, one that has the potential to drastically change Peter Parker’s life. Can Spider-Man defeat Electro and win the girl at the same time?
April 16, 2014
2 hrs 22 minWriters:
Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci, Jeff PinknerDirector:
Marc WebbStarring:
Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Sally Field, Jamie Foxx, Paul Giamatti and more ...The Reviews
What they say
...Garfield’s Spider-Man is ... more in line with the comics than Tobey Maguire’s...
...when dressed in the ... Spider-Man suit, Garfield is playing Peter rather than a superhero alter-ego. He might have enhanced abilities, but Spider-Man is, more than anything, human, and Garfield conveys the emotional vulnerabilities behind the mask in an impressive performance that never wilts amid the CGI spectacle....

The Blade...Garfield is the cheeky, wisecracking superhero of Marvel Comic lore... strongest when it’s at its quietest and most intimate. One revelatory exchange between Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker and Sally Field as Peter’s Aunt May is so poignant, it made me want to cry. And every scene between Garfield and Emma Stone as Peter’s sharp and assured girlfriend, Gwen Stacy, leaps off the screen...

Christy Lemire perfect casting of Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker...
...Garfield's gallant web-slinger may be out in the world and halfway up a building, but he clearly still has one foot in the locker room at high school. Webb's film is bold and bright and possesses charm in abundance. It swings into the future and carries the audience with it....